Friday, January 22, 2010

Soma Massage Uk Will The Pain In My Neck And Shoulder Ever Go Away? What Can I Do To Tolerate The Pain?

Will the pain in my neck and shoulder ever go away? What can I do to tolerate the pain? - soma massage uk

I am now over 40, but since I was in my early 20s I had pain in the shoulder and neck.

I am an anxious person, even if I will wake up, often tense muscles relaxed in the rule, particularly by 4pm.

The concentration of muscle tension in the neck and left shoulder causing headaches and a general feeling of blah. If the pain is so bad all I can think of is to go to sleep, so you can wake up calmly.

I have been to many doctors. Everyone says nothing about his physique. I had X-rays, MRI, trigger point injections, massage therapy, chiropractic, physical therapy and various medications. The only medication that I have used that Soma has helped, because it makes me crazy, but does not reduce the pain significantly.
I am Soma for about a year and a half. Now the doctor says I'm too (350mg 4 times a day, the label) says take 1 every 6-8 hours as needed. Why is not acceptable, Soma medication for the treatment of pain in the long run, whether it is my pain management?


newtral said...

So ... Tighten the muscles every day for about 4? Imagine lifting weights in front of every day. The work of the same muscle groups every day, tearing of muscle fibers in the process. You give your muscles time to heal, because it strengthens again the next day. Even weightlifting give a muscle group at least one day before work to heal. Have you ever seen a holiday in itself, a place of relaxation. No laptop, cell phone or anything, but maybe a book and a camera? I bet if you should not for a few days without medication with you, you will find the source of the pain.

If I understood your description, it can be viewed holistically: what is the significance or is on your shoulders? Got something to someone? Perhaps a dark secret? Think about your early 20s ... Is there something that you think? Such as anger, anger or repressed emotions. Perhaps it is time to explore this path. Repression is an expression of pain and no doctor in the world will be able to sYour boat.

Cowgirl seahorse rider said...

Iam 40 Something and write a tense person, but I always had a lot of horse accidents, and still problems, but my muscles tense so bad that I enjoy go to bed an hour. I whole muscle relaxants, which help us to sleep, but I think if I beat the pain and to help around 3 or 4 days, which is also a heat stroke during the night and blows cold andhot. The doctor told me to take too much vitamin C, said to heal strained muscles. I hope some of what I could because of what lives to help in pain.

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